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Telia ACE: Facilitating better healthcare availability

  • 3 min read

Did you know that under the Swedish healthcare guarantee, you have the legal right to be contacted by your primary care provider on the same day you seek their services? Contact can mean that you get an appointment at a primary care centre or you are able to speak to someone on the phone. 

Discover how well your local health center meets this requirement at

How we are making a difference

We have actively contributed to recent changes in SKR’s (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner) guidelines for measuring primary care availability. Our involvement includes ongoing supplier meetings with SKR to clarify, influence, and provide feedback on these guidelines.

Our impact

At Telia ACE, we take great pride in enabling medical centers throughout Sweden to deliver this high level of availability to everyone. We have worked closely with availability coordinators across various regions, gathering valuable insights and data. Our objective is for all healthcare centers to accurately report their availability metrics to SKR, contributing to a more transparent and efficient healthcare system.

New report feature and product enhancements

 As a result of these discussions, we have introduced several enhancements to the Telia ACE solution. Our new, comprehensive reporting feature is now accessible to all Telia ACE users, streamlining data collection and reporting processes to help healthcare providers meet SKR’s requirements. Additionally, we have enabled a real-time view of available callback slots, making it easier to adjust the number of slots and improve both availability and staff productivity.

Expert Insights

To get a better understanding of why these changes matter, we interviewed two of our CX-consultants, Monika and Jutta, who shared their valuable insights with us.

Can others use these new features to improve accessibility?
Absolutely,” says Jutta. “Now, you can measure if citizens/customers who have requested a scheduled callback are called back the same day. This feature benefits not only healthcare but also other sectors that need to track individual booking attempts and callbacks. In the upcoming version, we will also measure accessibility for incoming calls and collaborative callback, which retains the caller’s place in the queue. These features are used by all our customers and will surely be appreciated.”

Why is this important?
Monika explains: “By measuring availability consistently, people can compare their health center’s performance with others. This allows health centers to use availability as a competitive advantage while pushing them to improve.”

Looking ahead

We will continue to collaborate closely with SKR and our healthcare partners to excel in tracking outcomes and results, ensuring every patient receives timely and efficient care. If you have any questions about the new guidelines or need assistance with reporting, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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