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What’s hot (and what’s not) in customer service?

  • 2 min read

Telias Mats Andreasson has attended the Kundeservicedagane business event every year since 2016. We checked in with him to hear what’s been trending over the past few years. What has been hot, what has cooled off and what is everyone curious about right now?

Hi Mats, do you have any general reflections from this year’s event?

– My experience is that the program this year was broader again, after a couple of years with a narrow focus on chat bots.

Has the chat bot fallen off the leaderboard?

– In a way, you might say that. A survey that was presented showed that many people aren’t very impressed by current chatbots. But rather than seeing this as proof that chatbots are bad, it’s an indication that it is difficult to get it right with new technology at the first attempt. Nothing will be a success if there is no plan and clear goals for the introduction. A good basic rule is not to introduce a chat bot to make money, but to improve customer service.

Is there any other buzzword that has had a lot of space, historically?

– About five years ago, everyone talked about “omnichannel”. But even though the technology is mature, many organizations continue to work in “silos” with one solution for e-mails, another for chat and a third for voice calls. I would say that fewer than 50% of organisations have taken advantage seamless channel switching.

Although focus was broader this year than before, was there still be something that can be highlighted as “hottest”?

– Many people talk about AI and the possibilities of using artificial intelligence to increase the grade of self-service. To make it smarter and to create a better customer experience. Increasingly, people are also seeing the opportunity to use AI to support agents while they are in a conversation or chat. It’s called “next best action” and “real time coach” and is useful for everyone – no matter which side of the handset or screen you are on.