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Scrive eSign

The best signing solution on the market

Instant digital signatures

Instead of sending papers to the customer, which you hope they sign and return, the customer can read through the document directly and sign during the conversation. The document to be signed can be sent to the recipient via email, sms or be delivered by our chatbot. The signed document constitutes a legally binding agreement. 

Track the process 

ACE E-sign also makes it possible to automatically keep track of when a document is sent out, when it is opened by the recipient, and when it has been signed. The process also gets full traceability including IP addresses, dates, and time stamps. The solution can be integrated with Mobile Bank ID, but also allows other methods of signing.

About Scrive eSign

In short
  • Easy processes for fast and secure digital signing
  • Compliance with services under the EU eIDAS Regulation
  • Secure and flexible archiving of signed documents

An integral part of ACE Interact  

With a fully digital online signing solution, ACE E-sign, customers can quickly and securely sign documents. No papers needed to be printed, mailed, signed by the customer, and sent back. 

With ACE E-sign, the customer can read through the document directly and sign during the conversation. By fully integrating ACE E-sign into ACE Interact, ACE Interact makes it easier for the agent to follow the customer throughout the process – from first contact to finish. 

Secure document and agreement management

Telia’s ACE E-sign stores the signed documents securely in the system, but it is also possible to store the documents yourself.

Follow the process

ACE E-sign also makes it possible to automatically keep track of when a document is sent out, when it is opened by the recipient, and when it has been signed. You get full traceability withIP addresses, dates, and timestamps. The solution can be integrated with Mobile Bank ID, but also allows other methods of signing. 

See when the document is signed

The document to be signed can be sent to the recipient via email, sms or delivered by ACE Chat Bot. The signed document constitutes a legally binding agreement. 

ACE E-sign also makes it possible to automatically keep track of when a document is sent out, when it has been opened by the recipient, and when it has been signed. 

The process also gets full traceability including IP addresses, dates, and time stamps. 

The solution can be integrated with Mobile Bank ID, but also allows other methods of signing. 

More information at Scrive

Scrive provides trusted services under the EU eIDAS Regulation  and can offer all levels of electronic signatures under the Regulation. 


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