Take your web to the future
Take ACE to the web
The ACE Web API opens the ability to allow the end user to communicate securely with ACE on your website, to receive information and perform certain tasks. For example, you can view the current queue status of different contact channels and opening hours for all entrances. It is a good service that facilitates the customer’s choice and planning.
The interface also makes it easy to order callback, either as soon as possible (real-time updated wait time is displayed), or from a schedule of available times that consider dynamic parameters in the contact center.
About Callback online
- Let the customer communicate securely on your website
- View queue and opening hours for all contact channels
- Provides the opportunity to order callback
All calls to the ACE Web API are made as https requests with specified formats, content types, and syntax for GET and POST, etc.
The interface is published in two versions, called Client version and Server version.
- The Client version can be used directly from end-user clients (web browsers) with a limited subset of results and parameter sets.
- The Server version targets server-to-server integrations. This part of the interface is protected by authentication, and delivers extensive information about the contact center and allows more parameters.
- Create callback
- Queue status – based on queue name
- Queue status – based on contact data (for forward control destination)
- Opening hours for entrances and menu selection
- Status of inputs and menu selection – open now?
- Export of audit trail and changelog (via server version) for use with external monitoring
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