ACE To Go, a Telia ACE mobile app, makes it easier to handle ACE contacts without having to sit at a computer. Read on to learn about features and how an app can simplify and evolve work in the contact center.
Having ACE To Go installed on your smartphone will let you manage all main functions for handling calls in the contact center. Serve queues and waiting lists to answer incoming calls and make scheduled or pending callback calls. For incoming calls, there is an assistance function where the user can forward a contact to another queue, person in the ACE address book or any number. For callback calls, the user can leave feedback on the outcome, just like in the full web client ACE Interact.
These basic but powerful functions open for new smart ways of working and evolving the contact center in organizations that use Telia ACE.

A snapshot of ACE To Go in Google Play Store. Of course, it is also available for iPhone.
Make it easy to add expertise to the contact center
With a smartphone app, it becomes easy for experts on the go and back-office staff to step in and add expertise to the contact center. For example, it is possible to create a “hidden” queue or waiting list for callbacks that not directly accessible in the IVR, but available to agents to forward contacts to if necessary. Experts can have the app running in the background, and push notifications make it clear that it is an incoming ACE contact when the phone rings.

A typical use case for ACE To Go might be a doctor on call serving a second line queue for patients calling in.
Manage peak load
As it is possible to monitor service levels and the current load on queues that you may serve, it is easy to “jump in” and strengthen the team when necessary. Even for staff who don’t primarily work in the contact center. The app gives a clear indication of load and whether the desired level of service is maintained or not.
Make unofficial knowledge paths official (and get the stats)
A scenario we see from time to time is that some of the contact center’s employees find their own ways into the organization to ask for help in complicated cases. By formalizing the contacts from first line to experts in the organization, a better customer experience is created for both people calling in and for your staff. It also makes it possible to get statistics on how many contacts that make their way further into the organization.
Handle contacts on the go
ACE To Go can also be a tool to offer a more flexible and mobile way of working for staff in the contact center. Being able to do an important part of work, without having to sit at a desk is an attractive proposition for most. And we know that a good agent experience is key for the customer experience.
Robust, secure and user-friendly
In the development of ACE, safety and reliability are always in focus. ACE To Go is no exception, and that’s why we chose to build the app on a modern and secure technical framework.
Once the user is authenticated (with SSO or regular ACE credentials), the app will stay signed in in the background, and when it’s time to set “ready” status to receive contacts, just switch to the app to get started right away. Just as one would expect an app to behave.
The user interface is available in English, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish and German.