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3 steps to better customer experience with a smart knowledgebase

  • 3 min read

A smart knowledgebase stores the organization’s information in one place and makes it available to the right target audience. It also makes it easy for both employees and customers to find the right answers to their questions. It has a powerful search function that “thinks on its own”, and you can share the information via tools such as smart FAQs, chatbots or internal portals.

A smart knowledgebase supports the contact strategy, and can increase the level of customer satisfaction, at the same time as it contributes to a better work environment and a greater level of efficiency in customer service.

1. Smart FAQ: help the customers find the answer by themselves

Find out what questions the customers are asking and make it easy for them to find the answers in a smart FAQ. It is open 24/7 and can quickly be updated with new information. The customers who find answers to their questions on their own will be more satisfied and customer service will not receive great quantities of calls regarding the same question. You easily identify questions that the customers do not find answers to in the statistics.

What are the opening hours on Christmas eve and when is the last date for signing up the child for music lessons?

2. Chatbot: offer the right assistance at the right time

Are there a lot of customers who want to order a specific form or sign up for automatic payments? In that case it might be a good idea to get a chatbot. To succeed with a chatbot it is important for it to get the right job and to allow it to sharpen its skills over time. Then it will get smarter over time and will pop up and offer the help the visitors want when they want it.

Let the chatbot appear at the exactly the right time and dig out just that piece of information that the visitor is looking for from the smart knowledgebase.

3. Internal portal: a one-stop-shop for the agent

Today a lot of organizations have a challenge with internal information being saved in several different places. That makes it difficult for the staff to find the information they are looking for. They may also feel unsure about if they have found the most recent version of the information. That creates a problem – particularly if you are new on the job.

An internal portal connects all the employees to the collective brain. That will save the agent’s time, and also fills an important function for quality assurance as all customers who ask the same question will get the same answer. Even when it comes to questions that only come up occasionally. Since customers and employees can have access to adjusted versions of the same answer it is possible to add information that is useful for the staff without showing it externally.